Zeman Elementary School, opened in 1974, is named after Anna Zeman who was a teacher and administrator with LPS for 40 years (1928 – 1968). In 2010, our school community moved off site while the building was renovated. Students and staff returned in the fall of 2011 to a beautifully renovated building.
Welcome to the Zeman Elementary website which is designed to be a communication link to our parents and community, serve as a learning resource for our scholars, and highlight the learning that takes place each day at our school. Our staff works diligently to provide instruction for scholars at their success level and differentiate instruction so all scholars are challenged and feel successful. We honor each of our scholars’ unique strengths, talents, and diversity.
Zeman Elementary is the academic home to approximately 400 students. We are organized in grade-level instructional teams: Kindergarten through 5th grade. At Zeman, scholars participate in specials in the areas of art, library, music, computer science, and physical education. Our specialists collaborate with grade-level teams as they plan and implement instruction for all Zeman scholars. Other special programs include: Special Education, Intervention Support, TeamMates, and the Lincoln Food Bank BackPack Program. We also have a counselor to support Zeman scholars and families. We are fortunate to have an active and supportive Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) that is a vital part of our school. Together, the school staff, families, and community partner to provide an enriched educational experience and a variety of opportunities for all scholars. The PTO allows parents multiple opportunities to become involved in different activities that support our scholars and school.
Staff at Zeman believe all students will achieve academic, social, and emotional growth in a safe and positive setting. Our collaborative teams review scholar progress regularly and respond to scholar needs through a variety of research-based instructional strategies. The Zeman staff strives to create a positive, engaging educational climate, which will promote high levels of learning for all scholars. By teaching and reinforcing school-wide scholar behavior expectations and routines, we believe scholars can focus on their most important job of learning. At Zeman, our three school-wide behavior expectations are: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible in all they do each day.
School communities are a special place where milestones are met and the Zeman team is thrilled to be a part of your child’s educational journey. I am excited, honored, and proud to be the next principal at Zeman Elementary. We are a learning community committed to seeing your child/children succeed and we are committed to advancing our school mission, vision, and core values.
Please feel free to contact me via email (rwolfe3@lps.org) or by calling our school office at 402-436-1169 if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance to you.
For photos and other reminders about school events, please “like” the Zebra Elementary Facebook page.
Mrs. Rudi Wolfe, Principal
Kindergarten: 11:00—11:20 a.m.
1st Grade: 11:45—12:05 p.m.
2nd Grade: 12:30—12:50 p.m.
3rd Grade: 12:15—12:35 p.m.
4th Grade: 12:00—12:20 p.m.
5th Grade: 11:30—11:50 a.m.
Kindergarten: 10:45—11:00 a.m.
1st Grade: 11:30—11:45 a.m.
2nd Grade: 12:15—12:30 p.m.
3rd Grade: 12:00—12:15 p.m.
4th Grade: 11:45—12:00 p.m.
5th Grade: 11:15—11:30 a.m.
Feb 117:15 amto 8:00 amBeginner Orchestra Rehearsal |
Feb 113:45 pmto 6:45 pmParent Teacher Conferences |
Feb 12Lincoln's Birthday |
Feb 127:15 amto 8:00 amBand Before School Rehearsal |
Feb 13Lazzari's Pizza PTO Dine-Out 11AM-9PM |
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After school child care is provided by YMCA Adventure Club. Visit their website or call (402) 323-6400 for information and to register.
The Lincoln Public Schools District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status or economic status in its programs, activities and employment.